- The Rev. James W. Nutter and his wife, Lucy.
- The "Big Red Truck" helps us to serve the community, bringing donations to various charities.
- Jim, Nancy, Pat and Paul working to beautify the grounds of St. John's as part of our Creation Care Committee.
“Our mission is to know and to share the love of Jesus Christ.”
Mission Statement
adopted April, 2023
We are a diverse community of people from many backgrounds and experiences, joined together in our love of God and our awareness of God’s love for us and for all people. We seek actively to make that love known through the experience of God’s grace and mercy in our communion with him and each other in worship, and through our care for one another and the community around us. We seek to grow in his love by following his son, Jesus, who has come to us and comes to us now to make God’s love known. Come join us: “We welcome the faithful, the seeker and the doubter, for God’s embrace is wide and God’s Good News is for all.”
Worship is at the center of our relationship with God and fuels our relationship with one another. Come offer thanks and praise with us on Sundays at 10:00 am in-person and on YouTube. Engage in our worship ministries, including choir. Prepare for other sacraments such as baptism and marriage, and for burial. Find strength and solace in weekday prayer online. If you have a prayer request, let us know. Come, open your heart with us to God’s grace and love.
Service is at the heart of who we are as Christians and as a community. We serve one another regularly through fellowship, pastoral care, and education groups for adults, youth groups, and Sunday School. We reach out to serve the community of Bangor with our feeding ministries, through music education for children, through concerts and events, by participating with agencies around the city, and hosting external groups in our Community Center and Parish House.