Worship Ministries

If you are interested in serving on one of our Worship Ministries please let us know

Acolytes · Altar Guild · Eucharistic Ministers · Lectors · Ushers · Altar Flowers


Acolytes are open to boys and girls 10 years and up. Acolytes are trained and prepared to assist at the altar in all regular and special services. Acolytes lead the processions and recessions at all services.  They are responsible for lighting and extinguishing the candles on the free standing and high altars as well as assisting the Reverent (as well as guest clergy) in the sanctuary during the offertory and at communion.  For more information on becoming an Acolyte, email Nancy Dymond.

Altar Guild

Altar Guild Members prepare the altar for all services and care for the altar appointments, including to prepare the necessary linens and vessels for the celebration of the Eucharist. Cindy Lufkin coordinates this ministry.  To learn more about what it means to be part of the Altar Guild or to volunteer, email Cindy Lufkin and Robert Ford.

Chalice Bearers

Chalice Bearers serve at the Sunday Eucharist, administering the Chalice and leading the prayers of the people.  For more information about becoming a Chalice Bearer, please contact Patricia Sprague.


Lectors serve at the Sunday services by reading the lessons, and are coordinated by David Field.  Readers are needed for the lessons at the regularly scheduled services on Sunday mornings, at the monthly Evensong services, and at special services during Holy Week and Christmas.  To learn more about being a Lector, or to sign up to be a Lector in our services, contact Lorna Whedon.


Ushers assist on a rotating basis at weekly and special services throughout the year by greeting people as they arrive at our church, passing out bulletins, assisting new or visiting people, collecting the offering, guiding people to communion, and handling any issues that may arise during the service.  To become an Usher, contact Jim Blanchette.

Altar Flowers

If you would like to sponsor altar flowers in memory of a loved one or in honor of  a special event, please send us an email.

52 Sundays, 3 special (Easter, Christmas, Palm Sunday), 5 Lent, and 4 Advent.